Waterloo Lodge No. 539


Welcome to the Waterloo Lodge No. 539 website at waterloomasons.ca. As a distinguished

part of a centuries-old tradition, we take the responsibility of protecting the personal

information of our members seriously. This policy outlines how we collect, use, and

safeguard the personal information of our members and applicants in line with the Grand

Lodge’s Protecting Personal Information Policy.

Types of Information Collected and Why

While contacting us through our website, being a member in good standing, and after

withdrawal from membership, we collect and use three types of information: personal, non-

personal, and anonymous.

Personal Information

• Examples: Name, date of birth, companion’s first name, children’s names, occupation,

home address, home and business telephone numbers, and email address.

• Purpose: To maintain accurate records, distribute information and news, and confirm

good standing with other Masonic orders.

Non-Personal Information

• Examples: Masonic rank, positions held within the Lodge, District, and Grand Lodge.

• Purpose: For internal record-keeping and reporting.

Our Commitment to Our Members

We are committed to respecting the privacy of our members and follow ten privacy

principles to ensure their personal information is handled appropriately.

Privacy Principles

1. Accountability

• We are responsible for maintaining and protecting personal information at all

Masonic levels. This policy aims to reduce the risk of privacy disputes and enhance

our reputation.

2. Identifying Purpose

• Before collecting information, we explain the purpose, such as maintaining

membership records, issuing summonses and dues invoices, and personalizing


3. Consent

• Members consent to the collection of personal information when they sign the

Application for Initiation. Further consent is required for sharing information outside

the Craft.

4. Limiting Collection

• We only collect information necessary for our operations, such as name, email, date of

birth, and occupation.

5. Limiting Use, Disclosure, and Retention

• Personal information is only used and disclosed for purposes consistent with our

obligations. Basic information is retained indefinitely for reinstatement or family


6. Accuracy

• We ensure that personal information is accurate and up to date, with periodic reviews

recommended yearly.

7. Safeguards

• Personal information is secured with physical and digital safeguards, including

password-protected databases and secure storage of printed records.

8. Openness

• Our privacy policies are freely available on our website.

9. Individual Access

• Members can access and amend their personal information through their Lodge

Secretary, who will update records with the District News and Website team.

10. Providing Recourse

• A Privacy Officer, operating independently, handles privacy complaints. Complaints

can be submitted confidentially to the Lodge Secretary.

Use of Cookies and Website Trackers

We respect your privacy and do not use cookies or other website trackers on

waterloomasons.ca. Your browsing activity on our website is not monitored or recorded,

ensuring a private and secure online experience.


We ensure that our members are trained on privacy principles and the importance of

safeguarding personal information. Training is incorporated into standard programs such as

the Lodge Secretary’s Course and District Secretary programs.

Review & Updating Process

This policy is reviewed annually by the Grand Lodge Communications Committee to ensure

it meets the needs of changing circumstances. Updates will be made as required.

Additional Information

For further details on our privacy practices, please contact us at dnewswaterloo@gmail.com.

By adhering to these principles, Waterloo Lodge No. 539 of waterloomasons.ca commit to

protecting the personal information of our members and maintaining the trust placed in us.

Contact Us Below

Contact us

Use the form to send us a message regarding feedback or any requests you might have.